Energy efficiency doesn’t happen overnight

Peter Thorns was first motivated to save energy and reduce his fossil fuel use when he bought a VW bug in 1961. Since saving mileage on his car, Peter Thorns and his wife Abby have slowly and intentionally decided to reduce their impact on this planet. In 1995 the couple purchased a small, wood frame house on Fuller Street in Montpelier. Constructed in 1911, the home contained drafty windows and an uninsulated attic. However, over the next 22 years the family would slowly but steadfastly increase the energy efficiency of their home.

Energy efficiency doesn’t happen overnight: A Timeline of Events


Over the past 8 years, Peter and his family have almost eliminated their oil consumption and cut their wood consumption by 3/5 because “trees are important to save too”.  Over those 8 years Peter also achieved net savings of $530 on all energy related bills.

Looking forward Peter is researching ways to delve into solar, but, in the meantime is enjoying the comfort of his energy efficient home.


Story by Becca Harris, Americorps VISTA volunteer for the City of Montpelier.

Kate Stephenson