MEAC Needs You!
Montpelier Needs YOU!
Are you interested in learning more about Montpelier’s Net Zero commitment?
Are you looking for a way to connect with and contribute to your community?
Are you excited about renewable energy, weatherization, and ways to reduce fossil fuel use?
The Montpelier Energy Advisory Committee (also known as MEAC) is looking for a few new members to support the City’s transition off fossil fuels. Since its inception nearly 10 years ago, MEAC has been instrumental in Montpelier’s progress from 0% renewable energy to now nearly 50% renewable energy use for municipal buildings and operations. And we are on track to achieve our goal to be Net Zero by 2030 - but to do it in the next 7 years we need more help!
Some of MEAC’s recent projects have included launching Window Dressers (making low-cost storm window inserts for community members), the installation of 1 megawatt of solar photovoltaics to reduce the City’s electricity bills, supporting the city’s District Heat utility to reduce fossil fuel use in the summer, weatherization projects at City Hall, DPW and other City-owned buildings, the creation of a Net Zero revolving loan fund, the passage of the Home Energy Information Ordinance, launching the Weatherize Montpelier campaign, and many other projects.
We have a number of projects in the works for 2023, and we are looking for 4 new committee members to support these projects and help us expand our outreach efforts. Specifically, we are looking for volunteers to help with:
Identifying and coordinating projects for the Revolving Loan Fund (energy efficiency projects in municipally-owned buildings)
Coordinating neighborhood weatherization teams
Developing a larger social media presence for the Net Zero Montpelier initiative
Acting as a liaison between MEAC and the Montpelier Transportation Advisory Committee and/or VTrans
Connecting with GMP and Efficiency Vermont to ensure the City is taking advantage of their programs and incentives for municipalities
Continuing outreach to rental property owners to connect them with resources to weatherize their buildings
Re-starting MEAC’s public outreach events (in the past this has included home tours, lectures, tabling at the farmers’ market, etc)
YOUR ideas are also welcome!
MEAC meets monthly on the third Tuesday of each month at City Hall in the Memorial Room at 7:00pm. Members can also participate via Zoom. MEAC also has a number of working groups that meet between the monthly meetings focused on residential, municipal, transportation, and policy & planning. Committee members are expected to participate in at least one working group.
If you’re interested in potentially joining MEAC, please attend one of our upcoming meetings! You can also read more about our past projects on our website at Committee members are appointed by City Council. To apply, please fill out an application at: